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Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Below are the agendas for current and past board meetings along with the approved minutes. Dates shown corresponds with the date the meeting occurred.

Jump to agendas and minutes from: 2024 | Archive

The information and content contained at this website is for informational purposes only, and is subject to change from time to time, without notice. It is provided by the Palmdale Water District (the “District”) for the convenience of its customers and others, and for no other purpose. The District makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of any content found at this website, or regarding any products or services that may be found therein. The District will not be liable for any loss or damage, including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, in connection with any use of or reliance upon any content found at this website.


Board Resolutions and Strategic Plans

When the Board of Directors finalizes a decision on anything, from rate increases to honoring someone who has made significant contributions to the District, the resolution is given a formal designation and becomes part of the District’s official records.

What follows are links to every resolution made by the Board of Directors since 2014. Should you require information on resolutions predating 2011, please contact us. Information is updated as it becomes available.

View resolutions from: 2024 | Archive

Strategic Plans

2020 Strategic Plan
2018 Strategic Plan
2016 Strategic Plan
2014 Strategic Plan
2006 Strategic Plan


Board Presentations

The Palmdale Water District Board of Directors view presentations to help them understand projects and issues brought before them. These presentations educate the Board and public on the affairs, projects and events the District participates in.

The following links are for recent presentations made to the Board of Directors. Should you require additional information on presentations please contact us. Information is updated as it become available.

View presentations from: 2024 | Archive

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